Monmouth College (West Long Branch, N.J.)
Found in 44 Collections and/or Records:
Population inversion in a pulsed CO₂-N₂-He discharge , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2088646
Measurements of the gain in an amplifier discharge tube containing a fixed composition, 1:1.5:5.6, Co₂-N₂-He gas were made under both ac [sic] excited and pulsed discharge conditions. While the ac gain results indicated a possible increase in gain with increasing current densities, the pulsed discharge experiments failed to bear out this extrapolation. Instead, the gain reaches a limit that is apparently...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Recognition of spoken vowel sounds using a hybrid computer simulation , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2088576
This paper will be an investigation into a hybrid computer simulation to recognize four (A, E, I, O) spoken vowels. The hybrid simulation makes available two modes of operation to achieve the recognition process. A learning mode will provide the algorithms required to categorize each vowel into parameters that can later be accessed by the second or recognition mode. The recognition mode takes the input vowel sound and correlates the recognition mode parameters against the learning mode...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Reflected polarized light microscopy of the crystalline material As-Te-Ge , 1974
Item — Call number MU Thesis Bar
Identifier: b2088649
This thesis presents the qualitative and quantitative procedures used in reflected polarized light microscopy. Conoscopic observations, supported by orthoscopic observations, were used in the analysis of crystals formed in the heat-treated amorphous semiconductor As-Te-Ge. The heat treatment was varied in a successful attempt to obtain larger crystals. This usage of reflected polarized light microscopy elucidated the conditions for which future researchers should strive before attempting...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Study of the conduction properties of an amorphous semiconducting material over a wide temperature range , 1972
Item — Call number MU Thesis Bos
Identifier: b2088561
Equipment was designed and built for measuring the resistance of an amorphous semiconducting bulk sample over the temperature range of -104 C to 300 C. The sample composition was 55% arsenic, 35% tellurium, and 10% germanium. The temperature range from -104 C to -41 C was found to exhibit extrinsic conductivity, while the range from -17 C to 100 C was explained on the basis of intrinsic conductivity. The intermediate temperature range of -41 C to -17 C was described as a range where both...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
The effect of compressibility on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for a theta pinch plasma column , 1969
Item — Call number MU Thesis Reg
Identifier: b2088222
Since the original work by [Sir Geoffrey Ingram] Taylor several authors have reported theoretical and experimental calculations on Rayleigh-Taylor and other gravitational instabilities for various fluid and field geometries of magnetohydrodynamical interest. In the particular case of the theta pinch geometry, a Rayleigh-Taylor instability is found to occur in the first (adiabatic) expansion stage of the columns, with experimental growth rates of the proper order of magnitude for this type...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
The refractive index of thin silicon dioxide films deposited by using a CO₂ laser , 1973
Item — Call number MU Thesis Joh
Identifier: b2088650
A CO₂ laser was employed as the heat source to deposit films of SiO₂. The report discusses the measurement of the refractive indices of the thin transparent films produced.
Investigation into the various techniques available for measuring the index of refraction led to the selection of Abeles method for determination of the Brewster angle. A helium-neon laser was used as the source of incident polarized light, while a selenium photocell monitored the reflected...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
The strength of the Pauli restriction on Be⁺ , 1971
Item — Call number MU Thesis Lon
Identifier: b2089697
The Schrodinger equation for an atomic system which possesses N electrons has 3N independent variables and is perhaps one of the most difficult questions in physics to solve. Because of the complex nature of the problem, only approximate methods can be used. One such method is the Rayleigh-Ritz Variational principle [sic] which minmizes over all [sic] space, and the minimum is the ground state energy. Another method is by...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
The study and design of an electronic analog multiplier , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2087736
This work will pursue the study of an electronic analog multiplier such as those commonly employed in analog computers. This particular multiplier uses the well known logarithmic characteristic of PN junctions together with the highly popular operational amplifier. The multiplier being considered employs a somewhat unique approach to obtain four quadrant operation and various correction means to improve multiplier accuracy.
The multiplier, as now envisioned, uses four logarithmic...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
The tungsten-p type silicon point contact diode , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2088683
The tungsten-p type silicon point contact diode was investigated as a video detector from 90 GHz to 474 THz. The diode responsivity was examined with respect to the applied pressure of the contact and the D. C. characteristics. An upper limit of approximately 2 THz is established for electromagnetic field detection, with thermoelectric effects appearing as the frequency is lessened. Typical responsivity values of 100v/w at 90 GHz, 2v/w at 890 GHz, 10⁻²v/w at...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Theoretical analysis of semiconductors used in a microwave reflection system , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2087724
The reflections of microwaves from a low conductivity semiconductor, lossy, air space, metal arrangement have been studied. At any given frequency by selecting the thickness of the semiconductor, loss and the distance to the metal reflector, complete absorption of microwave energy can be obtained. It is shown that very small changes in semiconductor conductivity, semiconductory thickness, and distance to the metal reflector result in measureable reflected power. This technique will allow...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives