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An exploration of student decision making process towards after-school activities at a New Jersey middle school, 2023

 Item — Call Number: MU Thesis Del
Identifier: b7931947

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The collection consists of dissertations written by students enrolled in the Monmouth University graduate Educational Leadership program. The holdings are primarily bound print documents that were submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Doctor of Education degree.

From the Collection:

During the fall 2022 semester (in instances where the requisite waivers were received from consenting student authors), the Monmouth University Library, together with the University's Graduate School and School of Education, began providing open access to select full-text digital versions of current theses and dissertations through links to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global website in the Library's Online Public Access Catalog. Links to these open access digital publications can also be found in the "External Documents" section under any conforming titles that are listed among the holdings itemized in the collection inventory for this finding aid.


  • Creation: 2023


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use. Access is by appointment only.

Research appointments are scheduled by the Monmouth University Library Archives Collections Manager (732-923-4526). A minimum of three days advance notice is required to arrange a research appointment for access to the collection.

Access to the collection is confined to the Monmouth University Library and is subject to patron policies approved by the Monmouth University Library.

Patrons must sign a completed Researcher Registration Form and provide appropriate identification to obtain access to the collection. Copies of these documents will be kept on file at the Monmouth University Library.


1 Items (print book) : 133 pages ; 8.5 x 11.0 inches (28 cm).

Language of Materials



Childhood adversity has be linked to negative influences on student achievement and student outcomes (Keels, et al.,2021). The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in adverse events among all school-aged children. Research has indicated that students can overcome adversity and succeed despite their hardship (Sege et al., 2017). Protective factors such as internal and external positive influences are correlated with overcoming adversity (Center on the Developing Child, 2015). After-school activities have been noted to be contributing protective factors for achievment (Duckworth, 2016), graduation (Vargas, 2010), and well-being (Wang and Holcombe, 2010). However, after-school activities are not used as an intervention to support students most at risk. The purpose of this study was to explore the influences that determine how and why students decide to participate in after-school activities. Students were interviewed to learn about the decision-making process. The study learned the motivations and barriers to participation. Student interest was reported as the number one motivating factor. Access to information appeared to be a barrier to participation. These study findings, among others, were used to provide recommendations to educational leaders to help increase access to valuable protective factors through participation in after-school activities as a way to support positive student development and outcomes for vunerable students.

Keywords: after-school activities, adversity, ACEs, resilience, protective factors, decision making, sports, overcoming, school connectedness

Partial Contents

Abstract - Dedication - Acknowledgements - List of tables - List of figures - 1. Introduction - 2. Literature review - 3. Methods - 4. Analysis and findings - 5. Discussion - Conclusion - References - Appendix.

Repository Details

Part of the Monmouth University Library Archives Repository

Monmouth University Library
400 Cedar Avenue
West Long Branch New Jersey 07764 United States