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Novek, Eleanor


Found in 47 Collections and/or Records:

Framing foreign organizations : U.S. and U.K. newspaper coverage of the Dubai Ports World merger with Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, 2008

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Udd
Identifier: b2195885
Introduction [excerpt] Since studies have shown that newspapers play an important role in shaping public's perceptions of international issues ..., this study's purpose is to analyze the framing process in the print media as related to foreign organizations in a cross-cultural setting. This study analyzes how U.S. and U.K. newspapers framed foreign organizations in their reporting with the Dubai Ports World (DP World) and Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P & O) merger of 2006 as a test...
Dates: 2008

Gender, rhetoric, and religion : the rhetorical tactics of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2000

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Hok
Identifier: b2271080
Introduction [excerpt] The purpose of this project is to examine and deconstruct the linguistic conventions of the Jeohovah's Witness organization from a feminist perspective. A critical analysis of key organizational texts could yield useful information on the relevance of discourse to gender subordination. This project will include a review of relevant literature on feminism, discourse, and religion. With this foundation in mind, several recent issues of the Jehovah's Witness periodical publication...
Dates: 2000

Gendered communication during the grieving process, 2003

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Her
Identifier: b2271144
Introduction [excerpt] The way a person copes with the death of a loved one may be influenced by many factors, including personality, family relationships, previous death experiences, ethnicity and culture. What about gender? Does being a man or women [sic] affect our grieving process? Much research has noted that gender contributes to communication differences that men and women exhibit. This research studies whether those communication differences carry through to the grieving...
Dates: 2003

"Good girls don't talk about sex!" : communication, outreach, and at-risk youth, 1998

 Item — Call number MU Thesis San
Identifier: b2195700
Introduction [excerpt] This research involves my participation in a pregnancy prevention program to explore the sources from which young people receive and integrate information about sexuality into their lives as a factor in decision making and behavioral choices. This study points out the need for attention to group process and individual agency in interventions aimed at adolescents. I review previous studies and relevant theory, this study;'s methodology, and my findings. I conclude with recommendations for...
Dates: 1998

Greenwashing : it's not easy being green, 2006

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Shi
Identifier: b2195698
Introduction [excerpts] A relative newcomer to the debate regarding the ethical standards of public relations practices is the greenwashing campaign. The 10th edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines greenwashing as "disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image."... By exercising rhetorical analysis on greenwashing campaigns affecting public policy, criticism is...
Dates: 2006

How public relations is practiced in public schools : an exploratory study, 2007

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Kli
Identifier: b2271075
Introduction [excerpt] Public relations is the management of communications between an organization's various publics. Systems theory teaches that oraganizations can only remain vital if they successfully maintain relationships with all entities that affect them, that is--employees, consumers, supplier, government entities, etc. Thus, best practices public relations, which manages those publics, is essential for any organization's long term success or survival. While a public school district is very...
Dates: 2007

I love you so much I could just kill you : journalistic framing of Fort Bragg killings in summer 2002, 2003

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Cic
Identifier: b2271246
Introduction [excerpts] The last time domestic violence in the military made major headlines in the United States was in the summer of 2002 when four soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, killed their wives in a six-week period. What was not in the headlines, however, is the fact that domestic violence is a problem in the military every day of the year.... While the issue of civilian spouse abuse has been examined by the media since the mid-nineteen seventies, the only time that domestic...
Dates: 2003

Local news frames and reader perception of low-income housing, 2000

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Swe
Identifier: b2195883
Introduction [excerpt] The current research proposes to investigate what southern Monmouth County residents think about low-income housing and the media's influences on those attitudes. There, affluent, predominantly white communities opposed Mount Laurel housing throughout the last quarter of the 20th century and into the first half of the 21st. Although local media regularly covered Mount Laurel housing issues, they failed to investigate Mount Laurel opposition as racial discrimination; instead, they offered...
Dates: 2000

Monkey see, monkey do : do children imitate what they view on television?, 2005

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Far
Identifier: b2271196
Introduction [excerpt] Violence is a common characteristic of many television programs. One of the most controversial topics of debate about the impact of television has focused on the effects that televised acts of violence might have on children.... This study focuses on children's television programming and the behavioral effects that these programs have on child viewers. More accurately, it focuses on children between the ages of two and five. This study seeks to understand the need for regulation in...
Dates: 2005

News and social construction : how news professionals determine what is newsworthy, 2002

 Item — Call number MU Thesis Sha
Identifier: b2195699
Introduction [excerpt] News editors, producers, directors and reporters determine which news items will be packaged and presented to their audience. News professionals also choose which and how these points of view will be represented. By using specific word phrasing, camera angles, story lengths, and sources, news professionals develop and influence the communication atmosphere of their audience. Understanding the methods by which news professionals choose news stories and how these stories are...
Dates: 2002