Monmouth College (West Long Branch, N.J.)
Found in 44 Collections and/or Records:
A 10.6 micron semiconductor modulator , 1970
Item — Call number MU Thesis Gro
Identifier: b2088223
A device is described which yields an inexpensive and simple to construct modulator, which is used in conjunction with a CO₂ laser. Results of using a germanium PIN diode to modulate the 10.6 μm radiation are given. An attempt to measure deflection of the laser beam using the modulator is also described. Finally measurements of percentage modulation versus position of the laser beam are presented in a series of curves. The results of the experiments show that this...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
A comparison of the upper bound to the lower bound of the doubly ionized carbon ion , 1972
Item — Call number MU Thesis Gue
Identifier: b2088518
The objective of this thesis is to compare the upper bound of the ground state energy of doubly ionized carbon (C⁺⁺) to the lower bound obtained by reduced density matrices.
To make a fair comparison, the number of orbitals used in both is the same, namely ten. The upper bound is obtained by use of the standard Rayleigh-Ritz Variational Principle which states ⟨Ψ|H|Ψ⟩ ≥ Eo(H) were Eo(H) is the exact ground state energy, H is the Hamiltonian, and Ψ is the trial wave function.
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
A simulation of the IHAS-4 computer , 1971
Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: b2087735
This thesis develops an Algol computer model (simulator) of the IHAS-4 airborne digital computer. The simulator is used as a tool in debugging machine language computer programs and in evaluating the relative efficiency of computer hardware alternatives in meeting requirements based upon relative speed and memory specifications.
The simulator consists of a memory, an input/output section, a set of routines corresponding to the set of instructions for the IHAS-4 computer, and a...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
A study of the resistance-minimum in dilute AG-MN alloys , 1971
Item — Call number MU Thesis Cag
Identifier: b2087775
An explanation of the resistance-minimum occurring in dilute magnetic alloys at extremely low temperature was put forth by J. Kondo in 1964. His analysis is based on the s-d exchange model of Zener, Kasuya and Yosida. In this paper we explain Zener's model, Kasuya's development of the s-d exchange interaction Hamiltonian and finally Kondo's analysis. The experimental data driven by Gerritsen and Linde on the low temperature electrical resistivity of dilute Ag-Mn alloys is then examined in...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Adaptive simplex procedures for function minimization , 1970
Item — Call number MU Thesis Mas
Identifier: b2088116
This thesis investigates a class of direct search methods for system optimization where it is assumed that the dependent variable is a unimodal function of N independent variables. The best optimization procedure is that which requires the least number of evaluations of the dependent variable. It is assumed that either the function or its derivative is unknown. The basic form of the search techniques studied requires the establishment of (N + 1) test points in N dimensions. Three...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
An improved ground state wavefunction for helium for use in density matrix calculations<title>, 1972
Item — Call number MU Thesis Bar
Identifier: b2088644
An improved ground state wavefunction for Helium for use in density matrix calculations has been obtained. This improvement was achieved by the introduction into the expansion for the singlet S-state wavefunction for Helium, of a term containing explicit angular dependence. This angular term was constructed so as to preserve angular momentum symmetry by being an eigenfunction of the two-particle, angular momentum operator with eigenvalue zero, as is required for S-states. The results give...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
An investigation of the screened Coulomb potential using a variational technique , 1969
Item — Call number MU Thesis Sch
Identifier: b2088191
The intention of this paper is to determine some of the properties of the screened coulomb [sic] potential, and look into its validity as a model for observed emission spectra of hydrogen plasmas.
Some variational methods will be examined and the problem of finding upper bounds to the excited states of atoms will also be investigated.
The variational method is then applied to the anomoly [sic] of the...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
An investigation of the switching characteristics of the As-Te-Ge glass , 1972
Item — Call number MU Thesis Lev
Identifier: b2088517
This is a report on an experimental investigation into the switching characteristics of the As-Te-Ge glass undertaken in the Physics Department of Monmouth College. The report describes the preparation of the amorphous samples, discusses associated semiconductor theory, and presents a discussion on the results obtained. Graphs of log resistance vs 1/T for this glassy system are presented which clearly show an intrinsic conduction range down to about 40°C. Some evidence in the date of an...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Analysis of x-ray diffraction in the crystalline material As-Te-Ge , 1972
Item — Call number MU Thesis Tal
Identifier: b2088485
The utilization of the reciprocal lattice and various methods or techniques, made possible through this lattice's use, will be explained in this Thesis [sic].
In general, these techniques can be classified into two common routines in which one is associated with the symmetrical structures (orthorhombic, hexagonal, tetragonal) and the other with the more complicated structures (monoclinic or triclinc).
The first routine is to take the...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives
Application of perturbation theory to one-electron systems , 1971
Item — Call number MU Thesis Tru
Identifier: b2088584
The solution to the problem of a one-electron ion under the influence of various generalized central-field potentials is considered. Solutions are obtained using a finite expansion of the perturbation wave functions in terms of associated Laguerre polynomials. Higher orders of perturbation theory are obtained without having to perform integrations over the continuum states, and the solution can be written explicitly to any order. This perturbation procedure is applied to the three...
Found in:
Monmouth University Library Archives